EZ Solutions | Our Process
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Our Process

It’s ez, You only pay for Funded Loans!


A potential borrower visits our website and fills out an online loan application. Instantly, the customer’s application is sent to your store nearest to the address they submitted.


The customer receives an instant notification of pre-approval via e-mail, fax, and text message. The message includes how much cash they are pre-approved for, the requirements of your store, directions to your location, and your store’s contact information.


At the same time the customer receives this instant notification, your store will receive a similar message along with the customer’s application via e-mail, fax, and text that makes you aware of the customer and all of the information they submitted. One of our representatives will contact the customer along with your store manager to make sure everyone gets into contact- we even do HOT live phone transfers.


The customer will then visit your store and pick up their cash.
Throughout the process, our representative will keep in touch with the customer along with your store to make sure everything is going smoothly. We take great care in making the process customer friendly and easy for your store to manage. The loan is then funded and we will do a follow up with the customer about the service they received.